
ML Streamer

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ML Streamer Tinker Edition and "HAT" Module for Raspberry Pi

  • Network streaming: Add AirPlay, Spotify, or any other streaming service to your MasterLink products such as BeoSound 9000, BeoSound 3200, BeoCenter 2, and BeoSound 4.
  • Audio playback: Play and record audio on MasterLink devices with high sound quality.
  • Intuitive operation: Use the original Beo4 remote control to manage streams and switch between tracks.
  • Adjustable data broker: Easily implement custom MasterLink messages for enhanced control.
  • Premium components: First-class symmetrical audio DAC & ADC chips for outstanding audio performance.
  • Free 3D cabinet files: Free designs for easy integration and protection.     


  • Basic understanding of Raspberry Pi, Linux, and network configuration.
  • Knowledge of Python programming for specific code implementation.
  • No additional programming support included.

 Note: No support is provided for the use of ML Streamer Tinker Edition, and it is the user's responsibility to install the desired features.
